I've totally fallen in love with the site Garfield Minus Garfield. This guy takes the daily "Garfield" strip... and removes Garfield.
That's it.
You may wonder why that would be entertaining, but it creates an entirely new strip, one of the seemingly neverending mental breakdowns of John Arbuckle... alone, genuflecting and making desperate pleas to the empty air.
You find this massive of a collection of McCain buttons, you know how to get a hold of me and I'll post it. I'm non-partisan; I voted for Robocop/Unicorn.
Man, I accidently forced Dorkstuff to a screeching halt. I had reserved the "138th post" for myself, but now that it's here, I'm not sure what I want to post.
Not really sure what the significance of this number is. It shows up frequently in George Lucas movies (along with the number 23). The same goes for the Simpsons (for both 138 and 23). In fact, the Simpsons celebrated their 138th episode with a commemorative episode (rather than their 100th).
And of course the number is heavily associated with the punk band The Misfits.
But what is the big deal about the number? According to Wikipedia, it's a sphenic number, which means it is also square-free and has a Moebius function result of negative 1. Maybe that means more to you than to me.
Curiously, when you factor it out, you get 23*2*3. That may be a clue.
It's also the IMDB number for Leonardo DiCaprio.
Take a moment and ponder the significance of this number.