Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Furby Gurdy

I like how the machine is designed to seem older than it is. And the hand-crank is totally made of win.

16 Colors On One Screen!

Anything more than 8 bits is masturbation. This is my reaction to the Youtube meme of showing off the graphics capabilities of camera phones. I hope the cats that post those videos understand that they've essentially just made advertising that they will not get paid for.

Which is why I fully endorse products that are at least a decade (frequently two!) obsolete.

Turn Your iPod Into A Taser!

This video has spawned a MASSIVE slew of debunkers, and honestly, I'm reserving my opinion until I actually see it or try it out myself... I'm still a HUGE fan of Household Hacker, tho.

I did download the MP3s, however, and you can expect to hear the samples in a future Destroyed For Comfort song.

Shredz64 - A Guitar Hero-Style Game For The Commodore 64

At the end of the videos, the creator explains where to download the rom and how you can purchase the converter he developed to use a Playstation controller on a Commodore 64.

And there is also a reference to Zelda in the first video. Shweet! Maybe this blog should have a Zelda meter for how relevant posts are to Legend Of Zelda...

David Byrne Turns Building Into Live Ambient Instrument

Utilizing an organ he purchased second-hand, David Byrne has created within the Battery Maritime Building (utilizing dozens of compressors, motors, and solenoids wired throughout the building) an interactive, site-specific musical performance installation/instrument, where the organ actually mechanically synthesizes old-building ambient sound by vibrating the girders, striking pipes and radiators, and blowing air through the plumbing. The project is calledPlaying The Building and it is currently open to the public until August 24, 2008.
